Saturday, January 24, 2015

What I Love To Do that Feeds My Soul

     I've found that when I don't spend enough time with God through out the day, I lose focus on life.  I've been slowly incorporating time to pray through out the day. Sometimes it is reading scripture. Other times it is listening to prayer and praise music.  Most of the time, it is just plain old talking to God while working.

     On the days when I have extra time in my schedule,  I like to sit in church and pray.  There are no distractions from the world except for the trucks that might rumble outside the window.  It is silent, peaceful and just the two of us, God and me.  Often, I pour my heart out to God.  Other times, I just sit and listen to God speaking to my heart. No matter what, I leave church filled with peace and joy.

Join us over at Beloved Brews on Thursdays.

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Tuesday, January 6, 2015

2015 Word - Focus

In early December, I was trying to take a picture of water spot  There I was trying to focus on the ceiling but the camera wouldn't let me.  It was having a hard time focusing.  I couldn't figure it out.   I had done photographs like this before.  Then I remembered that I had changed the lens when I was taking a picture outside.  I never put the normal lens back on. Once the lens was replaced, I had no trouble taking a picture of the water spot.

While I was going through all of this, I heard a quiet voice in my heart saying that I was like the camera.  I was focusing on a lot of things but when it came down to it, I wasn't focusing on the right thing.  That thought really hit me. I'm all over the place but not really focusing on the right thing.

"Ok, God, so how do I focus on the right thing?  What is the right thing?"

Again, in a quiet voice, God answered my questions.  "Change your lens. Focus on me."

I attend bible study. I teach catechism.  I go to church.  I listen to Christian music. I read Christian books.  That was not the answer I expected.  In the weeks since this happened,  God has been showing me how my focus is not really on Him.  I talk to God but I really don't listen to him enough.  I say God is in control but my actions say otherwise.

God is reviving memories of when I did focus on Him, when I did believe that He was in control and it is humbling.  I've been pondering those times and thinking what is different now verses then.   The world is different.  Technology is different.  Along the way, I allowed the world to changed my lens.  Now,  I'm letting God change my lens.  I'm going to fix my eyes on Him.

Join us over at Beloved Brews on Thursdays.

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