1. I have to schedule exercise and prayer time on my calendar or chances are it won't happen.
I have Google calendar set up for pop up reminders on my phone. These pop ups have been welcomed reminders for me. If I get off my routine because of sickness or earlier than normal drives to meetings, then I have that reminder on my phone that stays there until I clear it.
2. I've noticed that I always feel peaceful and calm when I'm staying at a nice hotel or renting a vacation place.
I've figured out that the reason is the rooms are free of clutter and have been cleaned. I have been working on a cleaning and decluttering plan for this sense of peace and calm in my life.
3. Pandora has a Christian Contemporary Christmas station.
Christmas music during Advent made me very anxious this year. I had three unexpectedly very busy weeks leading into the first week of December. In trying to process all that I went through, I had to put off the thoughts of preparing for Christmas.
However, when I went into stores, Christmas music was playing and subconsciously, it was letting me know that I wasn't ready for Christmas. Even our local Christian music station was playing Christmas songs 24/7. The Christian Contemporary Christmas station played songs written by Christian musicians and they weren't necessarily on the Christmas Top 40. It helped me to slow down and breathe and focus on Christ.
4. It is worth the time to send someone a positive note.
As a society, we are quick to give negative feedback when we are angry but not as quick to give positive feedback when we are happy. I've been trying to change that. It takes time and effort to write a quick note. Now that I've seen and heard how that note has affected the receiver, it's made me realize that it is time well spent.
5. Follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit even if it makes you uncomfortable.
I'm very much an introvert. I don't like going out of my comfort zone. A few times this year, I was prompted to invite people to church. I had such an inner battle going on but I did as prompted and felt peace afterwards. The invitations were not accepted. However, I found that the more I extended the invitations, the easier it was for me. What use to be very uncomfortable is now just a little uncomfortable.
6. Not everyone decorates for Christmas elaborately as Americans do.
I subscribe to Country Living UK on Feedly. As I read about their Christmas decorations and read through the Scandinavian décor blogs, I realized how simple the decorations were - a Christmas tree, some fresh greenery, homemade garland. I think there is some wisdom in this simple way of decorating. It is giving me something to think long and hard on.
7. A jingling johnny is a percussion instrument.
I never heard of a jingling johnny until this year. Who knew this instrument had a name? I first saw the jingling johnny about two years ago in Rend Collective's
video for "Build Your Kingdom Here." If I was in a band, I could totally see myself using the jingling johnny.